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Effective November 23, 2021 Ontario Optometrists have PAUSED job action

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The Ontario Association of Optometrists has entered into confidential and formal negotiations with the provincial government as of November 23, 2021. As a result of this commitment, optometrists are once again seeing children and seniors for eye exams. The goal of this round of negotiations is to reach a fair and equitable solution that ensures quality eye care remains accessible to Ontarians.


What is the Job Action about?

For over 30 years, successive Ontario governments have refused to negotiate with Optometrists. In 1989 the fee paid for an OHIP insured eye exam was $39.15; now 32 years later, it is on average $44.65. This has not kept up with inflation and does not come close to covering the costs involved in providing an eye exam. Every time we perform an OHIP insured eye exam we do so at a loss.

You may have read about the government’s offer of an 8.48% increase in our fees. For a senior’s eye exam that would raise the fee to $51.00. While that seems generous, it still leaves us more than 30% lower than Manitoba, the next lowest paid province. Unfortunately, this does not make up for 32 years of neglect as our fees would have to increase by over 60% just to reach Manitoba’s coverage.

We need government to prioritize and properly fund eye care and make it sustainable for years to come.

Who is covered by OHIP insured eye exams?

If you are a senior (65+), a child (19 and under) or an adult with OHIP covered eye conditions, you are covered for a yearly eye exam under OHIP.

Can I pay for my exam?

Unfortunately, provincial law prevents anyone from paying for any OHIP insured service, even if you have your own insurance.

Written by LMC Optometry & Eye Care

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