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Understanding Eye Exams: More Than Just Vision Correction

Understanding Eye Exams

Do you know why regular eye exams are essential? While many people associate eye exams primarily with vision correction, these exams offer a comprehensive assessment of your overall eye health. Understanding the full scope of an eye exam can highlight its importance beyond just updating your prescription. Purpose of an Eye Exam Why are eye […]

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Contact Lenses vs. Glasses: Guidance from LMC Experts

Contact Lenses vs. Glasses

What’s better: contact lenses or glasses? This common question has no one answer, as the best option depends on various factors including your lifestyle, vision needs, and personal preferences. Here, we explore the pros and cons of both to help you make an informed decision. Consulting with an optometrist or visiting an eye clinic can […]

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Seasonal Eye Care Tips: Preparing Your Eyes for Allergies and Sun Exposure

Seasonal Eye Care

What challenges do seasonal changes pose for your eyes? Seasonal changes bring about various environmental factors that can affect eye health, from springtime allergies to intense summer sun exposure. Understanding how to protect your eyes during these periods is essential for maintaining optimal eye health year-round. Finding an optometrist or an eye clinic can provide […]

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Fashion Meets Function: Exploring Stylish Eyewear Options at LMC

Fashion Meets Function: Exploring Stylish Eyewear Options at LMC

Introduction Eyewear has evolved from being a mere necessity for vision correction to a significant fashion accessory that reflects personal style and functionality. At LMC, we believe that eyewear should not only enhance your vision but also complement your look. In this blog, we explore the stylish eyewear options available at LMC, where fashion meets […]

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How to Safely View the Upcoming Solar Eclipse in Ontario

A Total Solar Eclipse Over Canada A total eclipse is set to occur on April 8, 2024, covering parts of Mexico, the United States and Canada. In Canada, we will experience the total eclipse from Southern Ontario to Newfoundland and Labrador, with the rest of country experiencing a partial eclipse. While this is a phenomenal event, […]

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Myopia, Presbyopia, & Hyperopia: What Do They Actually Mean?

A woman wearing glasses, squinting, and holding her phone close to her face to see it better.

Our eyes are incredible little organs, but they can develop a number of problems. Myopia, presbyopia, and hyperopia are 3 common vision issues. But what exactly do these terms mean?  These issues are refractive errors, meaning they affect how our eyes bend (refract) light. Myopia is nearsightedness. It occurs when objects up close appear clear, […]

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