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Preventing Myopia in Children: Strategies Every Parent Should Know

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A child suffering from Myopia

If you’re a parent, keeping your child’s eyes healthy is probably one of your top concerns. With kids spending more time indoors, glued to screens, myopia (nearsightedness) is becoming more common than ever. The good news is that there are steps you can take to protect your child’s vision and reduce their risk of developing myopia. At LMC Optometry & Eye Care, we see many kids who struggle with nearsightedness, and we’re here to share strategies that every parent should know to help keep their child’s eyes healthy.

What is Myopia?

Myopia is when distant objects appear blurry, but close-up objects can still be seen clearly. It’s one of the most common vision problems in kids today, and it usually starts to develop between ages 6 and 14. If your child is squinting, complaining about blurry vision, or holding things very close to their face, these could be signs that they’re developing myopia. Getting regular eye exams is key to catching and managing it early.

Why is Myopia Becoming More Common?

There are a few reasons why myopia is on the rise. One of the biggest factors is increased screen time. Between schoolwork, video games, and smartphones, kids are spending more time indoors, focusing on things that are up close. This lack of outdoor playtime and increased near-work is leading to more cases of myopia. It’s especially a concern here in Ontario, where cold winters often mean less time spent outside.

Encouraging Outdoor Playtime

One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your child’s risk of myopia is to encourage them to spend more time outdoors. Studies have shown that kids who play outside for at least 2 hours a day have a lower risk of developing myopia. The natural light and time spent focusing on distant objects can help protect their eyes.

Limiting Screen Time: Why It Matters

We all know it’s tough to pry kids away from their screens these days. Limiting screen time is crucial for preventing eye strain and myopia. Set daily limits on how much time your child spends on digital devices and encourage breaks using the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, have them look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will give their eyes a much-needed break from all that close-up work.

Regular Eye Exams are Crucial

You might not notice any issues with your child’s vision until they’ve already started to develop myopia. That’s why regular eye exams are so important. At LMC Optometry & Eye Care, we specialize in pediatric eye exams and can detect myopia early, helping you stay ahead of any changes in your child’s vision.

Myopia Control Treatments

If your child has already been diagnosed with myopia, don’t worry—there are ways to slow its progression. Treatments like orthokeratology (Ortho-K), where your child wears special contact lenses overnight to gently reshape their cornea, can help. Another option is atropine eye drops, which have been shown to slow down myopia in kids. At LMC Optometry, we can discuss which treatment option might be best for your child.

Proper Lighting and Ergonomics for Homework

Did you know that poor lighting and bad posture during homework can contribute to eye strain and myopia? Make sure your child’s study space is well-lit and that they’re sitting at an appropriate distance from their books or screen. Creating an eye-friendly workspace can go a long way in preventing further vision issues.

Balanced Nutrition for Healthy Eyes

A healthy diet can also support good vision. Make sure your child is eating foods rich in vitamin A (think carrots and sweet potatoes) and omega-3 fatty acids (like salmon and walnuts) to help keep their eyes in good shape. At LMC Optometry, we can offer additional tips on how nutrition can impact your child’s eye health.

Specialized Lenses for Myopia Control

There are also specialized glasses and contact lenses designed to slow the progression of myopia. These lenses help to reduce the strain on your child’s eyes, making it less likely that their vision will worsen over time. If you’re interested in learning more, the team at LMC Optometry & Eye Care can walk you through the options.

How LMC Optometry & Eye Care Supports Parents

At LMC Optometry & Eye Care, we know how important your child’s vision is. That’s why we’re committed to providing expert care for kids, from regular eye exams to specialized myopia control treatments. Our team is here to answer any questions you have and to help keep your child’s eyes healthy as they grow.

Final Thoughts: Protecting Your Child’s Vision Preventing myopia in kids doesn’t have to be difficult. By encouraging outdoor play, limiting screen time, and making regular eye exams a priority, you can help protect your child’s vision. If you’re concerned about your child’s eyesight, schedule an appointment with LMC Optometry & Eye Care today. We’re here to help every step of the way.

Written by LMC Optometry & Eye Care

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