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OAO President Message

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Thank you for your support of Ontario’s optometrists. I’m pleased to let you know that earlier this week the government agreed to enter formal negotiations regarding OHIP funding of optometric care. As a sign of good faith Ontario’s optometrists have paused job action, ensuring that millions of Ontarians insured by OHIP can again benefit from the expertise of their optometrist during these negotiations.

On October 6th, Minister Elliott stated in the Ontario Legislature: “We don’t expect optometrists to pay out of pocket for the services that they provide,” offering a public commitment that the government will ensure that the cost of delivering OHIP-insured services is not borne by optometrists. The Ontario Association of Optometrists is committed to negotiating a sustainable funding model that aligns with how optometric care is funded in other Canadian jurisdictions.

As optometrists across the province begin to see OHIP-insured patients again, we are hoping we can count on your patience as we work to clear waitlists that have developed since job action began. Support from Ontarians like you has gotten us this far, and, as we enter these negotiations, your ongoing support for fair funding for eye care in Ontario will still be needed.

Sheldon Salaba President

Ontario Association of Optometrists

Written by LMC Optometry & Eye Care

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