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Top Eye Health Mistakes You’re Probably Making & How to Fix Them

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Maintaining good eye health is something most of us take seriously—yet many of us unknowingly make little mistakes that could harm our vision over time. Whether it’s skipping eye exams or staring at screens for too long, these simple habits can have a long-lasting impact. The good news? A few adjustments can go a long way in protecting your eyes and ensuring you keep them healthy for the long haul. At LMC Optometry & Eye Care, we’ve seen it all, and today we’re here to break down some of the top eye health mistakes and how to fix them easily.

Skipping Regular Eye Exams

It’s easy to put off eye exams, especially if you think your vision is just fine. But regular check-ups are essential for catching potential issues early—sometimes even before symptoms show up. If it’s been more than a year since your last exam, it’s time to book one. Our team at LMC Optometry & Eye Care recommends getting your eyes checked at least once a year to stay ahead of any changes in your vision.

Staring at Screens Without Taking Breaks

In today’s world, screen time is pretty much unavoidable. Whether you’re working, scrolling through social media, or binge-watching Netflix, your eyes are probably glued to a screen for hours on end. This can lead to digital eye strain, which can cause headaches, dry eyes, and blurred vision. The fix? Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. This simple habit can give your eyes the break they desperately need.

Not Wearing Sunglasses

UV rays don’t just damage your skin—they can harm your eyes, too. But many people skip sunglasses on cloudy days, thinking the sun isn’t strong enough to cause any damage. UV rays are still present even when it’s overcast, so make sure you wear UV-blocking sunglasses every time you head outside. If you’re unsure which ones to choose, the optometrists at LMC Optometry & Eye Care can help you pick a pair that offers full protection.

Sleeping in Contact Lenses

We get it—after a long day, the last thing you want to do is deal with your contacts. But sleeping in them, even if they’re “extended wear,” increases the risk of infection and reduces oxygen flow to your eyes. If you’ve fallen into this habit, try to take them out before hitting the pillow. Don’t forget to clean and store them properly, too. If you’re unsure whether you’re wearing the best type of contact lenses for your lifestyle, LMC Optometry & Eye Care is here to help with expert advice.

Rubbing Your Eyes

We’ve all done it—rubbing our eyes when they’re tired or itchy. But this seemingly harmless action can cause tiny injuries to your eyes, spread bacteria, and even lead to more serious issues like corneal abrasions. Instead of rubbing, try using a cool compress or eye drops to soothe irritation. If your eyes are frequently itchy, talk to us at LMC Optometry & Eye Care. You may have underlying allergies or dry eyes, both of which we can help manage.

Ignoring Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry eyes are more than just an annoyance—they can seriously affect your quality of life if left untreated. If your eyes constantly feel dry, gritty, or irritated, don’t ignore the signs. Using lubricating drops can help, but if the problem persists, you might need something stronger. We offer a range of dry eye treatments at LMC Optometry & Eye Care, so don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment if this is something you’re struggling with.

Using Expired Makeup or Skincare

If you’re using old makeup or not replacing your mascara regularly, you could be putting your eyes at risk for infections. Bacteria love to build up in moist, dark places like old makeup containers. As a rule of thumb, replace your mascara every three months and clean your makeup brushes regularly. Need tips on how to keep your eye care routine clean and safe? Just ask your optometrist at LMC Optometry & Eye Care for guidance.

Neglecting Eye Safety at Work or Home

Whether you’re working on a DIY project at home or handling hazardous materials at work, eye safety is crucial. Protective eyewear might not seem like a big deal, but it can prevent serious injuries. Be sure to wear safety goggles whenever you’re doing anything that involves flying debris, chemicals, or sharp tools.

How LMC Optometry & Eye Care Can Help You Maintain Healthy Eyes

At LMC Optometry & Eye Care, we’re passionate about helping our patients keep their eyes in top shape. From comprehensive eye exams to specialized treatments for dry eyes and vision correction, our team is here to provide personalized care. Book your next appointment with us today and take the first step toward better eye health.

Small Changes, Big Impact

A few simple changes to your daily habits can make a big difference when it comes to your eye health. Whether you’re guilty of skipping eye exams or spending too much time in front of a screen, now’s the perfect time to start taking better care of your eyes. Remember, LMC Optometry & Eye Care is always here to help you on your journey to healthier vision. We’ve got your back—and your eyes!vision.

Written by LMC Optometry & Eye Care

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